Hotel Casa Gardenia
Welcome to the Hotel Casa Gardenia

Hotel Casa Gardenia

Tu Hotel en el corazón de Barcelona

00 JAN
00 JAN

Privacy policy

Info on the website's owner

NIF B66400748
TELEPHONES 930010663
COMMERCIAL REGISTRY tome 44544, invoice 106, page 3 e inscription 3
MAIN PURPOSES Lodging Services

Data protection

In compliance with the prevailing law and applicable in personal data protection cases, we inform that your data will be included to our ownership treatment system of MERCAGRANOLLERS SL with NIF B66400748 and social residence in CAMÍ ANTIC DE SANTA CREU D'OLORDA (NO NUMBER) MASÍA CAN RIBES 08750, MOLINS DE REI (BARCELONA), and that they will be related to their respective purposes, conservation time limits and legitimatizing basis. We also inform you of the possible profile creation and automatised decisions, as well as possible international transfers and cessions that MERCAGRANOLLERS SL want to make in the future for those treatments that require so:

Performed treatments
Webpage management Finality: Data treatment and management of the necessary data for the website's functionality. .
Conservation time limit: As long as the given consent prevails.
Legitimised basis: The interested party's consent.
Data Typology: Identifiable data.
Assignments: It is not foreseen.
International transfers: It is not foreseen.
Profile creation: It is not foreseen.
Web form Finality: Attend to queries or requests..
Conservation time limit: As long as the given consent prevails.
Legitimised basis: The interested party's consent.
Data Typology: Identifiable data.
Assignments: None..
International transfers: It is not foreseen.
Profile creation: It is not foreseen.
Norm compliance management Finality: Duty and obligations tramitation and management derived from norm compliance which relies on the entity.
Conservation time limit: Document copy conservation until said responsibility claim actions prescribe.
Legitimised basis: The fulfillment of a law.
Data Typology: Identifiable data.
Assignments: Your information will be released in case it is necessary for organisms and/or public administration competent in the matter for the purpose of complying with the obligations established in the applicable regulations. Also, it is reported that the cession's legitimised basis is to comply with the established obligations of the applicable law.
International transfers: It is not foreseen.
Profile creation: It is not foreseen.
Commercial actions Finality: Collection, registration and processing of data with advertising and commercial prospecting of our products and/or services as a purpose.
Conservation time limit: As long as the given consent prevails.
Legitimised basis: The interested party's consent.
Data Typology: Identifiable data..
Assignments: None. .
International transfers: It is not foreseen.
Profile creation: It is not foreseen.
Service hiring management Finality: Collection, registration and processing of data with the purpose of managing your purchase, as well as for the correct development, fulfillment and execution of the contract between both parties.
Conservation time limit: During the time necessary to manage the purchase of the services acquired, including possible returns, complaints or claims associated with the purchase of the service inparticular.
Legitimised basis: The execution of a contract. .
Data Typology: Identifiable data.
Assignments: Your data may be communicated if necessary to companies that subsidize the contests, prizes and/or promotions.
International transfers: It is not foreseen.
Profile creation: It is not foreseen.
Economic and administrative management Finality: Administrative management, billing,accounting and legal obligations.
Conservation time limit: 5 years in compliance with the tax law and 10 years the tax documentation in compliance with L.O.7/2012.
Legitimised basis: Given consent of the interested party.
Data Typology: Identifiable data.
Assignments: Your data will be communicated if necessary to the Tax Agency, Banks, Savings Banks and Organizations and/or public administration with competence in the matter in order to comply with the tax and fiscal obligations established in the applicable regulations. Also we inform that the legitimizing basis of the assignment is to comply with the obligations established in the applicable regulations.
International transfers: It is not foreseen.
Profile creation: It is not foreseen.

Rights of the interested parties

MERCAGRANOLLERS SL informs users that they may exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data before the Treatment Manager, as well as the withdrawal of the consent given.

In order to exercise any of the rights described above, you must comply with the following requirements:

Lastly, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in case you are aware or consider that a fact may suppose a breach of the applicable regulations on data protection.

MERCAGRANOLLERS SL undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures, in accordance with the level of risks that accompany the treatments carried out by them and indicated in the section on the terms and conditions of use, in a way that guarantees its integrity, confidentiality and availability.